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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


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    Total Cost:

    Mr. Terrific's T-Mask 250

    Tier 1

    + 100 Will

    Total Cost:

    Mr. Terrific's T-Mask 750

    Tier 2

    + 200 Will

    + 10 Power Damage

    Total Cost:

    Mr. Terrific's T-Mask 1,250

    Tier 3

    + 300 Will

    + 10 Power Damage

    ECM Burst: After a short fuse, disables all enemy cameras in a 600 area up to 1,500 away for 10s. Permanently disables Stealth on affected cameras (60s Cooldown).

    Total Cost:

    Mr. Terrific's T-Mask 2,000

    + 400 Will

    + 20 Power Damage

    Devastating 1: +10 Power Penetration.

    ECM Burst: After a short fuse, disables all enemy cameras in a 600 area up to 1,500 away for 10s. Permanently disables Stealth on affected cameras (60s Cooldown).

    More than simply a fashion statement, Mr. Terrific invented the nanotechnology used by his mask to render himself invisible to technology as well as allow him to see all forms of electromagnetic radiation.

    Modifiers available for Mr. Terrific's T-Mask

    Altered Mr. Terrific's T-Mask
    Long Range ECM Burst: Increases the range of the burst while increasing the cooldown. (Tier 3)
    Empowered Mr. Terrific's T-Mask
    Artifact gains Marauder Edge 1 at Tier 1, Marauder Edge 2 at Tier 2, and Marauder Syphon at Tiers 3-4.
    Enhanced Mr. Terrific's T-Mask
    +5% Power Lifesteal (Tier 3)

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