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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Ahoy! We're still very much working on this page as part of the Dawnbase overhaul. It'll look terrible until it's done. Sorry!
    Joined: Jun 16th, 2014
    Last visit: Jun 16th, 2014

    Dawnbase rep: 8


    North American server

    Preferred role:
    Attack Carry (ADC)

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    Hello! I'm new to Dawnbase.

    Top rated comments
    Posted: Jun 16th, 2014
    I don't understand why you get Joe Chills or Attack Speed items on Catwoman. You aren't autoattacking that often to make use of either, a little attack speed I can understand but are the costs really worth it on the Cheetah's Paw for Catwoman? Talking about costs, is Joe Chill's really worth the cost for the 70 AD? You aren't going to attack enough to really make the crit make much of a difference and the passive is pointless if you don't crit.

    Overall, I think its a decent guide but you don't explain WHY you build AS, or why all the builds are fully focused on building Joe Chill's. Sure it gives you 70 AD, but in the end is it really worth it? You obviously feel it is, but it'd be nice to know why instead of "build it to tier 4".

    Newest comments
    Posted: Jun 16th, 2014
    I don't understand why you get Joe Chills or Attack Speed items on Catwoman. You aren't autoattacking that often to make use of either, a little attack speed I can understand but are the costs really worth it on the Cheetah's Paw for Catwoman? Talking about costs, is Joe Chill's really worth the cost for the 70 AD? You aren't going to attack enough to really make the crit make much of a difference and the passive is pointless if you don't crit.

    Overall, I think its a decent guide but you don't explain WHY you build AS, or why all the builds are fully focused on building Joe Chill's. Sure it gives you 70 AD, but in the end is it really worth it? You obviously feel it is, but it'd be nice to know why instead of "build it to tier 4".