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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Joker

    Butt3rblume's Solo Top (in depth) Gaslight Joker Guide (Coast City)

    A Gaslight Joker guide by Butt3rblume
    Last updated: Dec 5th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/butt3rblumes-solo-top-in-depth-gaslight-joker-guide-coast-city
    3,062 0


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    Hey Guys, its me, Butt3rblume.
    This is my second Guide ever, and english is not my native language...so please be patient with me on spelling and/or funny sounding constructs of sentences

    This Guide will give you the Theory of Soloing with Gaslight Joker on Coast City. It will have a brief summary of what to buy, but a bigger view on HOW to lane against 1-3 enemys on your own.

    First things first. Champion Select.

    Normally its 2 Top, 1 Jungler and 2 Bottom Lane. So you have to clarify, that you are going top alone, so u might wanna have 2 junglers (perfect for overtaking multiple relais at once) or a 3-man bot (perfect for ruining the enemy carrys farm) with you in your team.

    For Amplifiers i take Enforcer: Endgame Initiator for a tanky start

    Stolen Powers couldnt be more obvious, too.
    [[Shazam's Invulnerability]] together with a Health Pack and/or your [[Fetid Cleaver (Q)]] will give you a very high lifeboost

    [[Cyborg's Teleport]] is a must-have-skill for every Solo Top Hero in my opinion. Reasons should be obviously (if not, you dont want to let your tower alone for "so long" after buying new stuff)

    What Items do I have to buy?

    Gaslight Joker stays and falls with his Lifereg/Lifesteal. Its a neverstopping play with his Lifebar. You should drop yourself down to "taunt" and kite your enemys and then surprise them by getting more and more health back while smashing their faces.

    Game has started
    buy Atlantis Gambit (1), [[Cheetah's Claw (1)]] and 5 x Health Pack

    Reason: Its cheap and give you a good start to overcome your lifesteal-break when your [[Fetid Cleaver (Q)]] is on Cooldown.

    First Back, next Backs
    Under 750 gold - buy stacks of [[Cheetah's Claw (1)]] or Atlantis Gambit (1) or Ruby Of Life (1)
    Over 750 gold -  buy stacks of Kryptonian War Armor (1) and [[Diana's Bracers (1)]]

    Reason: Dianas Bracers + Krypt Armor together are your best friends. %- Lifereg + Lifereg boost by 20%? Why not? Plus, it raises your Lifesteal from [[Fetid Cleaver (Q)]] and your Claw and Gambit, too.

    Endgame Items
    If you have enough farm and your Core items are almost at their highest stack... go buy [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] and/or Entropy Aegis (4) or a Suit Of Sorrows (4), whatever suits your enemy team best.

    If you are focused in teamfights, get Ra's Robe.
    If you have a high Ability Nuke Dmg- Enemyteam, get the Entropy Aegis
    If you have a high Attack Dmg- Enemyteam, get a Suit

    Laning Behaviour

    3 vs You - Lane:

    2 vs You - Lane:

    1 vs You - Lane or - How to Lane against specific kinds of Heroes:

    Tanky Type opponent:

    Blaster Type opponent:

    Melee Type opponent:

    Range Autoattack Type opponent:

    End Credits

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