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    Infinite Crisis builds for Cyborg

    Attack Speed Domination with Cyborg

    A Cyborg guide by robber570
    Last updated: Dec 20th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/attack-speed-domination-with-cyborg
    5,195 1


    Ability levelling order
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    Since Cyborg isn't a tank (I haven't done tank Cyborg yet ; ), Invulnerability will get you those lasting seconds in every battle. Super Speed is useful for everybody for any reason too : P. Keep in mind that between each item, get the Promethium Mace (4) for the damage during the fights and, whenever you recall to base after being victorious, sell it for full price. That's the whole reason for Refundable items. There's also [[Hawkman's Harness (4)]] if you need extra health instead of damage.  Nil Weapon and Nil Cloak are both good for some early game health and damage with some sort of lifesteal with Nil Weapon. After that, Coda Blade (4) will help a lot for some added damage. Now for the fun part! Velocity 9 Implants (4), my all time favorite item, will give you A BUNCH of attack speed and critical strikes. Cyborg's crits sound like a warbled version of his regular shots. You will know what they're once you hear them, and they sound so powerful ; ). If and only if the enemy team is building attack armor, get Atomic Axe (2) for some penetration and damage. I'd say if 3 people are stacking armor, including the tank, then get the Axe. If there's one or two people who keep killing you constantly because of the better armor they have, get the Axe. If no one is stacking armor, or only the tank is, then either get Mega Rod (3) for some extra damage, attack speed, and its passive: Shockwave which gives explosion damage, or [[Joe Chill's Revolver (4)]] for some even more added damage and crits. I personally like to go for the Mega Rod (3), mainly for the attack speed, since there isn't enough yet ; P. Finally, get [[Deathstroke's Claymore (2)]] for some final added attack speed and damage. If you haven't dominated by now, replace the Nil Cloak for [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] for mixed armor and Lazarus Effect, which puts you in invincible stasis for a couple seconds and heals you about 1/4 of your health, Suit Of Sorrows (4) if the enemy team is going all AD, or either Kryptonian War Armor (4) or Entropy Aegis (4)-your choice, if they go all AP. If you have not dominated by now, smack yourself and restart because you're doing it wrong : P. Let me know how well you do and your feedback on how well this guide works. Check out my other guides too. See you dominating in the battlefield Cyborgs!
    Latest comments
    Did you need to change anything since the Dec patch?  I laned against cyborg as GS bats and got creamed....so I am interested in trying him out again.
    3:32 pm, Dec 20th, 2013