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    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Arrow

    Green Arrow New Player HP Supportive Gimmick Build

    A Green Arrow guide by DanielMaxwell
    Last updated: Apr 2nd, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/735-Green-Arrow-Green-Arrow-New-Player-HP-Supportive-Gimmick
    2,430 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Stolen Powers
    This Green Arrow build is a gimmick built around the fact life steal isn't great in the current meta, and a early game focus on sustaining/winning your lane, this is recommended more for beginners as more advanced players would likely broke away from the HP use for better positioning

    E early allows you a powerful poke, specially at level 2 when you can Double E by using E+R to provide alot of aoe burst in your lane, after that you may want one rank of Q for it's movement, but after this you main focus is to rank W... the damage pen it provides, and the bonus damage on next hit will complete your three hit burst combo of E+R+W
    Sidenote: if your in auto attack range don't charge R only land R if you want to long range poke, or land some sort of killing blow at an enemy tower

    We are looking for cheap, items that have a HP focus, so we are going with discount [[ Lobo's Chain (4)]], Nil Weapon, Mega Rod (3) and a Augment focus on early flat damage, and attack penetrate

    Mega Rod (I realize Mega Rod is not great at the moment, but the movement speed, and splash can help keep your lane pushed out, as well as keep Melees in your lane discouraged from advancing pass your line.)
    Nil weapon helps with early damage, and minor sustain with it's flat hp regain,
    Lobo will mimic Q, slowing you to provide chase, and kite support for yourself and allies,
    Start building critical chance, and crossbow if you find yourself doing well, otherwise fall back onto the defense items against heavy power, or attack damage... sometimes it better a force in a fight (Baitting for instance) than it is to be the main damage, damage pen is important however, depending on your style of play or if you feel you are hitting towers, focus Coda blade for towers, and Horus for your team

    Green Arrow benefits early on from tank style supports that can keep a enemy locked in place for your full burst, because of the HP build focus you also won't want a healer like Harley/Zatanna/Ivy
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