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  • Infinite Crisis has shut down.

    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Wonder Woman

    TenPents' WW Guide

    A Wonder Woman guide by TenPents
    Last updated: Apr 5th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2228-Wonder-Woman-TenPents-39-WW-Guide
    3,631 2


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive items
    Situational items
    Stolen Powers
    The current plan is to mitigate damage with armor as well as recover health as fast as possible. Kryptonian War Armor (3) empowered with the mod makes me feel awesome when Child of Olympus triggers. The constant healing and use of reflect damage items makes for pretty consistent pressure in a lane.

    Item Choices

    For starters you can't really go wrong with Modular Health Vial (3)as they can keep anyone in lane longer than just about any other lone item. Also, Nil Cloak, with the mod, is the cheapest/most effective early defense item I've found. In the later stages of the game it generally gets sold for something better though.

    I usually pick up Kryptonian War Armor (3) first if fighting in lane against Power based enemies or Diana's Bracers (3) if against Attack based enemies. I then follow that up with Mirror Master's Prism (4) or Suit Of Sorrows (4) for the same reasons respectively.

    Eventually, if you pick up Lobo's Chain (4), you can actually start chasing people down and killing them on your own. Most of the time I don't do this unless the whole enemy team is one damage type and I can forgo stacking a second defense type.

    Stolen Powers

    For the Stolen Powers I have started using Krypto's Healing Wave instead of Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave. I just prefer to get the extra healing rather than trying to capitalize on the armor bonuses mid combat. For the second, I use Green Arrow's Surveillance Camera because cams are a necessity in order to not be ganked. Green Arrow's Surveillance Camera is chosen specifically because you can counter the other teams cams with it and therefore works as a two for one. The other alternative would be Robin's Surveillance Camera just so you don't have to go back to base as often but I have not really had an issue with it.

    Useful Tips

    Lasso Grab is great for stopping people from chasing your friends. It is not JUST used to hunt down and kill people.

    Protection, on the other hand, I find it useless for saving people. It is, however, useful for pulling yourself out of combat to allies and cameras. Also, I am trying to figure out if the "protection break" trigger will lower the time on Child of Olympus triggers. If I figure it out I'll update this part.

    Don't ever open up with Blocking Bracers. Save it until you are sure you can change a fight with it. Either use it to pin multiple people down to kill them all or to stop them from hunting down the rest of your non tank friends. The main point is that opening with it is a waste.


    Wonder Woman can tank some #@%$! Stack some D and protect some peeps!

    Don't Forget

    I like feedback. Either good or bad if it helps me get better at the game or could offer some input into this guide. Leaving comments bumps your Dawmbase rep so you might as well do it.

    Thanks for checking out my guide.

    Latest comments
    Just updated my WW guide. Fixed some grammar, made it more visually appealing, added the Dawnbase tooltips, and added some more to the guide itself. As always, more input is welcome.
    3:07 pm, Apr 5th, 2015
    Everytime I edit the guide the site resets everything but my stolen powers. So, I have to redo everything each time I edit. It's Kind of lame but oh well.
    9:32 pm, Apr 3rd, 2015
    Actually, as long as you don't touch those areas when editing (like Abilities, Items, etcc..) they'll keep what they had previously! Should save you some time :)
    2:50 pm, Apr 9th, 2015