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    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    TD_Janky's Gotham Heights Doomsday Guide

    A Doomsday guide by TD_Janky
    Last updated: May 24th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/td-jankys-gotham-heights-doomsday-guide
    2,342 0


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    I generally build Doomsday straight Attack Damage for Gotham Heights, with my rotation of skills, if timed correctly can melt any of the champions with exception with Gas Joker. The artifact build contains a lot of attack penetration to void out as much of the enemies attack armor as possible.

    However, some it is also a good tactic to build DD as a tankier Bruiser, especially if your team comp doesnt consist of another bruiser, or an enforcer. Thus, the optional defensive items i listed are a good starting point.

    My general rotation provided i have my ult and my Q,W, and E are off of cooldown, is R,W,E, QQQ.

    The ult increases my attack damage and reduces damage taken, then with W it begins the aoe sequence and i time my E immediately afterward, so that as im charging them into a destructible it is doing damage to the enemy. Damage that is increased by my ult. as soon as they are knocked-down i follow up with my triple Q. At this point they are either one dead, or they are at such low life that all it will take to clean them up is a simple auto-attack. by this time my charge is almost back up so i will chase a short distance and then charge them into another wall.

    For the more tankier champions, i may have to emply both stolen abilities, slowing them and then using AtWW\'s super speed and run through them and then charge them back into a tower if one is near the location of the fight, otherwise i will guide my charge pushing them into a destructible making it so they are knocked down giving me the best chance at cleaing them up.

    In team fights, i will use the same rotation but target the squishiest of the group there, saving the tankiest for last. That is unless the tankier champion is already at 10-20% health then i will clean them up and take out the rest. Last hitting with DD is not too difficult because if all your skills are up you can charge them auto-attack, taking them out and then turn around and blow your ult and your W and Q\'s on a squishier providing another clean up. By this time your charge is off of cooldown and you still have your stolen powers so you can charge, slow, then sprint and toss a few auto-attacks until your W and Q are back up which is only a mere 7 seconds or so. If you build towards CD reduction then your skill reload time will be a lot less of course.

    If you have any questions the message me in game or post on this thread.

    Dont forget to check me out on Twitch and watch me and Team Dragon stream live from Flippers 360 in Hollywood, Fl


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