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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Catwoman

    Nick3570's Mid Lane Carry Gaslight Catwoman Guide

    A Gaslight Catwoman guide by Nick3570
    Last updated: Mar 29th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/nick3570s-mid-lane-carry-gaslight-catwoman-guide
    3,780 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Welcome to my guide for mid lane Gaslight Catwoman.

    Gaslight Catwoman is currently one of the strongest characters in the game and one of the my favorite champions. She is one of the top laners in the game with incredible damage, escape, and split pushing capabilities.

    Amplifier Set

    Starting with mods, I take Recycle on Nil Weapon, +9 Damage on Coda Blade Tier 3, and +9 Damage on Deathstroke's Claymore Tier 1.

    The Recycle mod on Nil Weapon is great for last hitting effectively and helping to push the lane. This is one of the key components to Gaslight Catwoman in mid. She needs to push the lane. One of her main focuses is getting ahead and being able to last hit better than your lane opponent will help you with that.

    The extra damage mods on Coda Blade and Deathstroke's Claymore are helpful in terms of that extra damage output. They can easily be swapped out with other mods, but I prefer these.

    For my augments on Gaslight Catwoman, I go for a lot of damage, some penetration, some lifesteal and some critical chance. My four augments are:

    Queen Industries Augment: COLUMBUS - Attack Damage Per Level and Attack Penetration

    Queen Industries Augment: KAI - Attack Damage and Attack Penetration

    Queen Industries Augment: HEX - Attack Damage and Critical Chance

    Kord Industries Augment: ORIGIN - Attack Damage and Attack Lifesteal

    These augments will help Gaslight Catwoman's overall damage while the lifesteal will help her sustain in lane. The small critical chance is extremely helpful as in the current state of the game, low critical chance produces more crits than it should and will help with trades.

    Stolen Powers

    For Stolen Powers I take Doomsday's Invulverability and Cyborg's Teleport.

    Invulnerability is a great power on anybody just for the amount of protection it gives. It's particularly helpful on assassins who dive into teams to kill people.

    Cyborg's Teleport is a very strong power as well. It's great for quickly turning fights in other parts of the map around so the odds are on your side. Why not Catwoman's Teleport? The extra second or two it takes to teleport in can make a HUGE difference in how a game is decided. In that one second, your team could die or take enough damage where the fight will over before you even get there.

    Why not Survelliance Cameras? Being a mobile assassin in mid, the chances of you being successfully ganked are slim to none. If you do get ganked and killed, you probably need to look at the minimap more or communicate with your team better. The free wards at base should be more than enough vision for you. Particularly with Gaslight Catwoman, if you are ganked, you can simply stealth (one of the beneficial reasons for taking her E at level 2) and either run back to the turret or just juke away. She is also fast enough that she can go back to base, get a ward and return to lane without having missed much.

    Item Build

    When starting out, you should buy Nil Weapon for good early sustain, damage, survivability, all that good stuff, and Tier 2 Tektite Vials and Tier 1 Health Packs. You can wait and buy a another Health Pack if you want, but I feel its not necessary.

    Your first real item is going to be Coda Blade. You only need it up to Tier 3, unless going against a team that heals a lot (Ivy, Harley, Gaslight Joker). Tier 4 is basically only useful for the Wounding Effect, to reduce healing by 50%. Coda Blade provides extremely good early damage and penetration while remaining relatively cheap.

    The second item would be Deathstroke's Claymore. The damage, the active and the passive combined make it essential on Gaslight Catwoman.

    The third item in your build can differ quite a bit, depending on how the other team is doing. If you find yourself dying a lot, you may want to pick up an item such as Sword of Beowulf or Claw of Horus. Or if you are taking a lot of combined damage, you might just want to go for Ra's Al Ghul's Robe.

    If you find the enemy team building a lot of armor, you should build Atomic Axe.

    If you have a lot of trouble managing you Will, you should try not to spam spells so much. Gaslight Catwoman doesn't have too many Will problems unless you're in a long teamfight. If you do find yourself at a loss for Will, I would recommend picking up Rip Hunter's Time Pack, not Deadshot's Visor. Rip Hunter's is a good item for diving into the enemy team and getting out quickly. Not only that, but it has good Will stats, Cooldown Reduction, and Attack Speed.

    Early Game

    Early game. This is where you really shine with Gaslight Catwoman. She has incredibly high damage and low Will costs. As soon as you get into lane, you should immediately start pushing as hard as possible. This will enable you outlevel your opponent, giving you the edge if they try to trade with you, and it will give you time to start roaming.

    Remember to grab that free ward in the beginning of the game to ensure you have at least some vision. I would put it topside at the entrance to the phase pod on your opponent's side. Putting it right on the corner enables you to have vision on both ends

    By level 4, you should start roaming. I tend to roam bottom because it seems to be the easiest spot to get early kills. Gaslight Catwoman is fast enough that once you push your lane, roam to another lane, get said kills, and come back, you will barely have missed anything.

    You should be able to finish your Coda Blade by around level 6 and start saving up for your Deathstroke's Claymore.

    Mid Game

    By mid game, you should have at least a couple items finished and you should be ahead of your opponent in lane. If you're roaming enough, you should be able to help one of your other lanes push down a tower fairly quickly.

    Remember to use teleport to help with ganks. Or just use it to get back to lane quickly after ganking if your lane is getting pushed.

    In team fights, you should always attempt to focus the carries first. try to sneak in, Q, R, Q, W. Keep in mind, your basic attacks will also do significant damage because of your passive bleed. Try to use your W when the enemy is below half health to deal that extra % damage.

    Late Game

    What you do here highly depends on your team and it's ability to fight without you. Gaslight Catwoman is a phenomenal split pusher. If your team doesn't seem to be able to win enough to take objectives as all 5 late into the game, you should be split pushing,

    Push the lanes with your Q and basic attacks. Try to keep ward coverage up, and remember that if any one individual tries to stop you, you will probably win 1v1. Also be wary of your team and what the rest of them are doing. Remember to teleport to them if they start fighting and you see an opportunity to start the fight. But don't be afraid to keep pushing and get towers instead. Especially if your team is holding their own.

    Thank you for reading this guide and I hope it helps in your quest to be the best.
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