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    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Superman

    Hellabit's real man of steel for the Heights

    A Superman guide by Hellabit
    Last updated: May 29th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/hellabits-real-man-of-steel-for-the-heights
    2,231 2


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    I find it very easy to be a tanky superman. Bruiser or not if your team needs a tank he is the man of steel. All of the optional items are based on that theory. In the Heights a good Hybrid tanky superman can dive a control point and sustain the tower damage and the 1v1 he dove into easy against most champions. Being a hybrid anyone can sacrifice some attack damage for power damage and be very strong. Some of the armor listed calls for a sacrifice to win the day, with superman's passive he can be more affective than your enemy's tank and has the cc to close gaps for ally kills.

    This build is based on part of 2 sets a strong up front fighter, yet still needing some armor and a tank hybrid fighter.

    (One items I added into core items I never see used offten enough, is the Phantom's stangers necklace yet for myself when I have the potential to have a 60/60 ratio for arrmor I grab that start building that to 2 straight away against a power/ad team. I can use that alone to dive a power damage champion if they are alone and make it home safe. That being said an ad dive this item would have a hard time keeping me up due to their auto attack damage out put)

    (Some teams go with 2-3 ad squishy types such as Cyborg, squishy as they are suit of sorrows lets you 1v3 them with another arrmmor item and good timing on your abilities. Even if they happen to have life steal you take that right away from them making that item useless to them, if they have not brought arrmor into the game themselves which most don't they get sent back to the respawn point easy.)
    Latest comments
    and for the pd I don't always target that, that is just a side affect of some arrmors.
    4:50 pm, May 29th, 2014
    I commented under your commet, I am going to make some changes to the build thanks to you thank I will update it now. :)
    4:51 pm, May 29th, 2014
    hey I just came across your guide, i'm trying to learn how to use Supes better, who've i've only been able to succeed in the ADC build, but i'm always interested in new builds especially on your PD variant. 1) how does your starter items work? would the focus be on armor first from necklace?  is it to build the tank first and then the pd? 2) what would the focus of this supes be? to be a tank first then pd after? 3) is the focus because only frost breath is affected by pd, should that skill be promoted first?   4) for the core build you have all attack damage, but your starter items are all level 1, would you finish those first?  
    10:27 am, May 29th, 2014
    That all depends on the team running top side with you, you can always switch to dps before tank if needed, I tend to build 2 things at once so I get the Neklass to 2 start the stacks on it, get some dps and finally finish the necklass and my dps item and move on from there. I build for my team not for myself, so after a dps item and the necklass I choose more tank or dps depending on their needs not mine. Honestly in the heights it takes so little effort to level up I go with what I listed for the level ups but I think you may be right on the fros breathe thanks for that.
    4:49 pm, May 29th, 2014