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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Catwoman

    Gaslight Catwoman Tips & Tricks (Gotham Divided)

    A Gaslight Catwoman guide by NotASpambot
    Last updated: Apr 16th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/gaslight-catwoman-tips-amp-tricks-gotham-divided
    2,544 0


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    This isn\'t a full guide.  There are plenty of full guides for Gaslight Catwoman that are very effective at giving detailed descriptions of abilities, strategies, and item builds.  This is for people who want Gaslight Catwoman at a glance, as well as a few nifty little known tricks for GL CW players.

    Passive- Gaslight Catwoman is probably the best lane bully in the game.  Her passive is her greatest strength, you will win all short exchanges and your early dueling potential is insanely powerful.  Best of all, you benefit from the DOT farming glitch on your Q and all your auto attacks.  

    For those of you who don\'t know about this glitch any champion who has abilities that deal Damage Over Time will automatically get the last hit on drones or jungle creatures even if they are killed by your own drones or tower as long as their DOT ability is still ticking.  For Gaslight Catwoman this means that if a drone dies within 5 seconds of your auto attack you get credits as if you\'d last hit it.  Unless Gaslight Catwoman is substantially behind she can always get excellent farm by Qing the drone wave under tower.  A Gaslight Catwoman not being zoned should be able to get near perfect farm every game.  Because you can get perfect farm under tower you are the best champion in the game for taking on a 2v1 lane.

    Q- Careful using this to farm, because it procs a reset on your ult using it to farm a wave leaves you vulnerable for its long cooldown to your opponent being able to come forward and poke or all in without having to worry about a substantial portion of your burst.  

    W- Lots of damage and an aa reset, not much else to say.  Save it for the end of your combo to take advantage of its Execution effect.

    E- The real reason you\'re the best lane bully out there.  You\'re not quite immune to being ganked but with proper camera placement you can get under tower or juke away from your enemies even when you start right at the edge of enemy tower range.  When you\'re running away wait to use this until you\'re at a fork then cloak down a side passage.  8/10 times your enemies will try to chase the way you were facing when you cloaked.  For style points run backwards and through your enemies then laugh as they mill around in confusion wondering where you went.  Be careful you\'re not revealed when you do this though, Superman\'s Laser Vision or Aquaman\'s spear will ruin your day.

    R- Crazy, crazy burst.  While you should usually use this after Qing to get 2 procs into your combo don\'t be afraid to ult onto low enemies.  The range is longer than your Q and a surprise Ult can often land you a tower.  For style points Q your opponent in his drone wave under tower, kill him with an R>W, then ult back onto a Q\'d drone and swagger away.

    Items- Little known amazing items for Gaslight Catwoman are Steel Breastplate and Deadeye Visor.  You\'re usually right in the middle of everything in a team fight by ulting onto carries and this item combo gives you 30% more health with the right amplifier making you surprisingly tanky off of just one defensive item.  Unfortunately you will also be Will starved frequently so picking up a tier 2 Dreamstone is not a terrible idea until your Visor is fully stacked.

    And that\'s pretty much it, those are all my Gascat tips and tricks.  Go dominate a 2v1 lane and make some 13-year-old cry.
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