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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Lantern

    Green Lantern - Lantern-ing the game around! [GH]

    A Green Lantern guide by Liy010
    Last updated: Aug 31st, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/eNDl6Y1g
    3,003 0


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    Hey there! Thanks for taking a look at my guide. Green Lantern Prime used to be my favorite blaster; he just did so, so, so much damage! That is, until I found Sinestro. While Lantern may not have as much raw power as Sinestro, he is still a very powerful blaster, being equal to Sinestro in my opinion. Although he might not match Sinestro in power, he's a lot safer. He can stay behind his teammates and unleash his entire kit without even having to go in at all, unlike Sinestro. Plus, a bad Sinestro player can go through an entire rotation and not do any damage at all, while Lantern never has this problem.


    Green Lantern is one of the best blasters in the game in terms of pure damage. Unlike blasters such as Joker, Lantern lacks a lot of crowd control. He's only got two skills, a slow and a short knockdown that is difficult to land. However, what he lacks in crowd control, he makes up for in damage. If fed, Lantern is one of those champions that can easily erase an enemy champion's existence. The only other blaster that rivals Lantern is Sinestro. If you're a beginner though, or just suck at skillshots, stick to Lantern. He's the man for you!

    Stolen Powers

    Primarily, the two stolen powers you want are:

    [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] OR [[Shazam's Invulnerability]] - Invulnerability is just really nice overall. It lets you live a bit longer if you're being focused. Obviously, [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] is the better option here, because when you get focused, you go down quick, too quick to make use of the full heal of [[Shazam's Invulnerability]].

    [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]] - The heal lets you stay in fights a bit longer, but it also boosts your damage up, up, up.

    Optionally, you can go for these stolen powers

    [[Green Lantern's Meteor Drop]] - This power is really nice, but it's a bit difficult to land. If you're good at meteor dropping, by all means pick this up. I just prefer to rely on my kit more in a battle.

    [[Sinestro's Psychic Assault]] - Reduces armor, dealing more damage. The cast range on this is a bit shorter than I would like it though, meaning you'd have to go in to actually use it, and that's something you don't want to do. You want to stya far, far away.

    Mods and Augments

    Use these keywords to find the desired augment:


    We're basically building pure Power Damage and Power Penetration here. Anything else won't really help you because Lantern has no escape, so once he gets engaged, he's pretty much dead, unless you can kill the engager before he dies.

    As for modifiers: 
    Enchanced The Book Of Eternity (2) - 15 Power Damage

    Enchanced [[Fatality's Energy Lance (2)]] - 15 Power Damage

    Enchanced Cosmic Belt (3) - 75 Health

    Skill Leveling

    Ultimate (R) whenever possible, pretty standard there.

    For your first skill, you can choose between Q and W. Maxing out your Q increases your damage potential, letting you deal more damage in fights with its lower cooldown and burst. Maxing out W lets you increase the duration of the slow, and gives better crowd control capabilities. I perfer maxing out Q first myself, just for the raw damage.

    After you maxed out your first skill, which ever it was, max out the other one. By the end of this step, you should have Q and W maxed.

    Then proceed to max your E, which increases your missle damage. Keep in mind that the actually missle marks that are consumed by your Q to do additional damage scales with your Q, and E just increases the damage of the actual missiles.

    Finally, since you have to, put the rest of your points into the passive, but it's not even going to do anything at all. Green Lantern's passive is completely lackluster. In this build, we have no bonus Will, but even if we did, the ratio of bonus Power Damage gained from his passive isn't even worth investing into bonus Will for. By leveling up the passive, you'll get more Health back from kills and assists. Although, Lantern's already so strong, could you imagine if he had a passive like Sinestro's, that added bonuses to his skills!?!


    With the starting 1250 Credits in Gotham Heights, I start off with Cosmic Belt (2) for some extra sustain and penetration in the initial top rush.

    Alternatively, you can build [[Two Face's Coin (2)]] instead, and use the Overclocked [[Two Face's Coin (2)]] Mod.
    I've just never been a fan of harvest items in Gotham Heights, as games are relatively too short for the to hit their max potential.

    Now, if you're seeing that you have Will issues, or you want more lane sustain, you can build an early [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (2)]]. At this point in the game, without it, you should be able to excecute your full combo 2-3 times before you run out of Will. If you want to get more ahead of the game, save up for The Starheart (1). At this point, you will most likely be having Will issues, so build that [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (2)]], but if for some reason you still aren't, finish up The Starheart (3). By now, you're going to want to build a [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (2)]]. This is no longer optional, or else you're going to be recalling a lot due to lack of Will. Now, since most teams will usually have more attack damage than power damage output, you should be now going for a [[Neron's Contract (4)]]. This also gives you a niflty ability to use between your skill rotations.  If for some odd reason the team has more power damage output (Keep in mind tanks typically don't deal that much damage), you can go for Oa Gambit (4) instead, but that doesn't really happen. By now, enemy champions should have started to build power armor against you. Well, what a waste, because now you just build The Book Of Eternity (2)! If for some reason they have not actually built armor, go for Atlantean Royal Seal (4) for sustain, and [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] for more damage. Alternatively, you can go for Cosmic Staff (3) or [[Pandora's Box (4)]], but I like [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] the most due to the great initiating active ability that it brings. For your last item, build one more item of your choice from the list I just provided, but at this point, if should really be The Book Of Eternity (2), because if your opponents have not built armor, they're in for a bad time. Finally, finish up your Cosmic Belt (3) if you decided to start with Cosmic Belt (2), and then your [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (4)]].


    You should be playing like a Cyborg, basically. Wait for your team to engage, and stand in the back. Remember that Green Lantern is a single target blaster, so you'll only be able to take out 1 person at max with a single rotation, so it's best if you focus the squishy. However, it's more important that you don't get out of formation. Do not rush in front of your bruisers and enfocers to try and focus a squishy. That's just asking for death. Once you have a target in mind, Start off with W for the damage over time and the slow, then follow up with as many Es as you can before your desired target gets out of range. If the target has a dash of blink, such as Gaslight Batman, they'll most likely have already used it after your W, in which case just aim for another Champion with your Es. Once all 3 Es are depleted, drop your Q on whoever has the most stacks from E, to get the maximum benefit in terms of damage. After that, back off unless you're getting amazing peel, in which case you can auto attack, but most of the time, back off until your cooldown timers run, then repeat.

    Most of the time, your range is only enough to reach the tank(s) in the frontline, and that's totally okay. It's better to do damage to a tank than to try and focus a squishy and get killed in the process.

    Hope you enjoyed the guide! Lantern has amazing damage output at the cost of being super squishy and is pretty easy to grasp the hang of. Give this guide a shot, and I promise you that you won't be disappointed.
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