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    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    Dragline's Guide to Gotham Heights Doomsday

    A Doomsday guide by Dragline
    Last updated: Oct 26th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/draglines-guide-to-gotham-heights-doomsday
    4,895 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Greetings Protectors, this is Dragline. I'm here to talk about the ball of hurt that is Doomsday. If you are new to MOBAS I do not suggest starting off learning the game with him. He is a very scary champ, but he also relies heavily on timing and positioning. However, if you have played Poppy from League of Legends, then he will fit right in with your playstyle. I have included a youtube link with some gameplay footage of this build in work at the end of this guide.

    -He takes time to ramp up in power
    -Relies heavily on positioning
    -Does not have a reliable escape
    -Can be kited

    -He is the bane of all AD champions
    -Great CC and peeling power for teammates
    -Great at zoning enemy champs
    -Can rival Wonder Woman as being a damage sponge
    -He can use his Ult a lot (Read: not reliant on cool down reduction)

    Skill Order

    I start off the game with two points into E since it will do the most damage if you can land it into a wall. I don't usually pick up W before level 5 simply because E into a wall followed by Q stomps do far more damage. Make sure you get W at 5 though, because you will want the speed burst when you hit 6 and can start Ulting. W does very little damage, and doesn't scale off any attack damage items. Your priorities here are to force yourself to learn positioning for Wall Smashing.

    The Build:

    I like getting the Marksmen: Early Striker Amplifier. It gives you flat attack damage and penetration which is helpful in the early levels while Doomy is ramping up in power. The big bonus you get however, is 500 credits off of Tier 2 Deathstroke's Claymore. This is a very important item in this build, and getting it sooner really helps. Plus, it gives you a secondary option of going with Velocity Implants. Pairing the movespeed on those with the slow from lobo's chain makes it near impossible to run away from Doomsday and his wall smashes.

    To start off GH I like to buy Tier 2 Crime Bible to start getting his health stacks going, since this item provides the most health in the game. It is important that you try not to throw yourself at the enemy. You're not Zap Branigan, and they are not Killbots with a Kill Limit. You want to plan your fights out so that you're E lands your target into a wall, not just blindly charge them and spam your abilities until one of you dies.The next item I build into is Lobo's Chain. Because Doomsday is so reliant on positioning, you need that slow to stick on enemies, it helps you land your E into a wall, and it makes you more tanky. It also goes a LONG way to letting you reliably land your Qs on enemies. You're goal is to make it to the mid game which is where your power starts to take off.

    In most games right now you will probably see at least 2 hard carries that use attack damage. For this reason I almost always rush Suit of Sorrows after Lobo's Chain. By the time you finish your Lobo's and start into the Suit, Doomsday should have more than enough health for the rest of the game. Suit of Sorrows is probably one of the best Items for Doomsday, because the damage reflect stacks nicely with his Ult.

    The Next item I almost always get is Deathstroke's Claymore. The attack speed lets you build up your rage faster so you can Ult more. Plus, each auto attack deals 5% of the target's current health as power damage. If you Wall Smash someone, you will be able to get 2 auto attacks off in between your Q. Depending on your target's health that's going to add around 150 extra damage on top of everything else before they can even stand up and start to fight back.

    For my 5th Item I tend to get Ras Ghul's cape. This makes you overall more tanky, and will revivie you with 25% health (which, with a maxed passive in this build, will be around 800 health) if you die. It also makes you able to hold down a control point like no other. If you die on a control point, it takes 4 seconds for Ras Ghul's cape to revive you. This means the turret will continue to shoot at enemy champs while you're being revived. Which can really turn a bad fight in your favor.

    Your 6th item is pretty much open. You need to figure out if there are any holes you need to fill depending on how the enemy team is doing. I like getting Rip Hunter's Time Pack for the extra Cool Down. The active on this ability can be very useful for juking enemies, or luring the squishy carries into your charge....you activate it once, and run back. If you get chased, you can activate it again (within 5 seconds) and teleport to the previous point you marked. And now you're suddenly all up in their face. The Spear of Destiny is also a GREAT final item in this build. It should provide you with at least 60+ attack damage while also making you tankier towards Power Damage.

    Put Your Credits To Work

    This means, don't run around with 500 credits in your pocket. Buy a refundable item so they're still contributing to your build, while allowing you to get a full refund to continue getting those essential items. I like to buy Hawkman's Harness for the added health, because I am trying to soak up as much damage as possible.

    Using The Abilities

    First and foremost, just because you CAN use your E doesn't mean you should. Your E is probably the most important ability you have, don't waste it. While you are fighting as Doomsday you need to ALWAYS be thinking about where you're at in relation to them, and where the nearest walls are. If you smash someone into a wall you're not only doing tons more damage to them, but you're stunning them and allowing yourself more time to dish out damage. A lot of times you need to do quick repositions in between auto attacks so you can get just the right angle to Wall Smash your enemies.

    Don't always spam your Q. The third time you hit Q, it will stun your enemy for .2second (.75 if you're ulting). If you Wall smash someone try to save that third Q for when they stand up and start to run. Also keep in mind that Q does not reset your auto attack timer. So if you wait just a little you can get an auto attack inbetween your Qs to help maximize your damage.

    Don't waste your Ult. It makes it a lot easier to Wall Smash people while ulting because it doubles the range on it. So it can be very useful if the enemy thinks they are a safe distance from any walls. You can surprise them like this many times if you reposition, Ult then E. If you Ult before you're even actively engaged in the fight, you're just wasting your attack reflect, the extra charge distance, and attack damage is provides.

    Don't waste your W. Doomsday's W doesn't do all that much damage anyway. So when you get that awesome Wall Smash try not to spam everything all at once to try and kill the person. Ulting+W gives Doomsday 20% move speed for 4 seconds. This is great to help you stick to fleeing enemies with your Lobo's Chain, or as a decent escape. If you find yourself out of position a quick Ult+W is basically an extra Super Speed stolen power.

    Don't forget that your passive gives you up to 300 extra health. Which is not something to overlook. That is why I max it second to last next to my W. It also makes you even more of a Terror to the person who killed you last. Sometimes I will overextend with the intent of letting an Attack Damage carry kill me. They feel great when those coins from my death are jingling in their pocket, but that joy will be short-lived the next time we cross paths. A maxed passive gives you 300 extra health, 10% extra damage, and 10% damage block to the person who killed you.

    Stolen Powers
    Flash's Superspeed is very important for escaping since you don't really have an escape. It is also very helpful for positioning those E Wall Smashes.
    Teleport is helpful, because I often find a lot of points around the map left wide open. Many times someone will try to backcap you. So if you can teleport to a point before they get there, you almost always force them back. The time they spent running through the mid to backcap is time they wasted. Also, with this build, you can hold down a control point better than Wonder Woman. And if you're defending against Attack Damage champs, they will have a REALLY hard time taking the point from you.

    Gameplay Footage of this build on Gotham Heights.


    The End

    That's all I have for now. I plan to post some gameplay footage of Doomsday on Youtube in the near future to help give some of you a better idea of how to play him. Please feel free to offer any feedback, and remember to follow Dr_Awesome and myself on Twitch.

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