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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Wonder Woman

    Coup de grâce

    An Atomic Wonder Woman guide by UhnDun
    Last updated: Nov 25th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/atomic-wonder-woman-coup-de-gracircce
    3,347 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Table of Contents
    - Intro
    - Stolen Powers
    - Skills
    - Items

    Atomic Wonder Woman is a snowball assassin/carry that rips teams apart with her fun and unique set of skills. She is a late game snowball assassin carry that can take out a target quick and then escape before your opponenets even know you were there. You can build her as a glass canon or an off-tank bruiser, in either case she still does a lot of damage because of the high base damage her skills provide.

    Coda Blade, Phantom Strangers Necklace, Soultakers Katana, Ruby of Life, Spear of Destiny + Optional
     - Tanky/Survival Build

    Coda Blade, Soultakers Katana, Velocity9 Injection, Joe Chill's Revolver + 2 optional
     - Glass Canon/High DPS Build

    Stolen Powers
    (Consume, X-ray)
    Consume: Amazing for jungling and laning. Gives you sustain and clears large jungle creeps fast. Also, it helps secure a kill on an Elite minion.
    X-Ray: The best power in the game hands down. Reveals a large AOE radius on the map that prevents stealth assassin ganks, enemies from hiding on steatth pads, and reveals how many enemies are in the area. I think it's better than cameras because you can take it with you making it more situational. Plus you don't have to refil it at base and it has decent low CD.

    (Super Strength, Invulnerability) - Laning specific
    Super Strength: This is a great skill through out the game because it gives you a damage nuke with a knock-up. It's just another skill you can utilize to your ad
    Invulnerability: Good for diving towers or fighting somone to the end with a slight advantage. Pop this on a low HP enemy and have them cry out "THE BAITSSS!!!." I personally would still choose x-ray over this though, because your R can't attack a stealthed assassin. Meaning if a nightmare batman goes stealth while you ult him, it cancels your ultimate. Additionally, having X-ray lets you know if you are being ganked plus you can see if any enemies in the area are low and basing for a quick kill.

    If you jungle and don't gank you will fall behind on income and experience. The only time jungling and not ganking is acceptable is if you just want to rush to 6. If this is your strategy, go for Elite minions whenver you can and either pick top or bottom and farm your butt off. After 6 though you need to visit lanes or you will simply fall behind. Some hero's it's hard to justify waiting till 6 one, but AWW's ultimate has so much utility and damage it can be worth it. With that said, you are a snowball champion and getting kills early gets you on your way. You decided what works best for you.

    Q - This skill has amazing utility. You can use it to jump over walls, escape an impossible fight, or intiniate a fight on unsuspecting opponents. What gibes it even more utility is when it's revv'd. This gives you a DOUBLE JUMP. Meaning you can jump into a fight, harass and burst down an enemy then Q away again before they can do anything to you. Amazing skill.

    W - MAX THIS FIRST. This skill makes you smash your opponent with a HUGE nuke of damage. I like to max W first because it is the single highest damage skill aside from her ultimate. The downside is that it DOES NOT CRIT. It use to, but was nerfed. It does, however, have a high base damage and good scaling.

    E - MAX THIS SECOND. This skill slows the enemy's movement speed PLUS it deals AOE DAMAGE AND add's a BLEED. Great for fast jungling, dueling, and escaping.

    R - Atomic Wonder Woman's ultimate is not a global skill, but it has a big radius of approx half the map. Some people use it to start a fight, but i personally like it to finish one. It's a huge nuke and is an easy way to catch up with a fleeing enemy. I like to end fights with it rather then start them is because using it to early means that an enemy can potentially flee. This is especially true at earlier levels when your R is it's weakest. Essnetially i use it to secure a kill rather than to start a fight a potentially get a kill. Always go for the sure thing.

    Coda, Katana, Velocity, Revolver. These items are your bread and butter.
    Coda starts you out with a HIGH FLAT DAMAGE, plus ARMOR PEN,and 50% HEALING REDUCTION. To be honest I think this item is borderline OP at it's current state, so really there's no reason to not get it on any AD carry/bruiser.

    Soultaker Katana:
    Katana is a god item. It's basically Bloodthrister in LoL. It gives you base damage + lifesteal and the more creeps you kill the more damage and lifesteal you get. Only level Katana to [3]. That's when you can start collecting Damage/Lifesteal. You can finish off [4] later. They did nerf this item a bit, but it is still good. You don't see the full benefits until [3] or higher though.

    Velocity 9:
    This item makes you a DPS fighter. Your attackspeed, crits, and movement speed become insance. I would only recommend this item if you go the glass canon build, because it makes you more mobile and gives you more damage output. If you go a bruiser build you want flat damage over attack speed. You simply won't have room in your inventory for this.

    Joe Chill's Revolver:
    Must have item If you go for a high DPS build. It's the single highest damage item in the game. Any carry that does physical damage should buy this item. It is the LoL equivlent of Infinity Edge. No brainer.

    READ THIS!!!!
    The item listed above are your core. Once you have them your build can vary.

    Hawkmans Harness:
    This is the go to HP item. It's fast cheap HP and to top things off you can sell it at level [4]. I normally max this item and keep it in my inventory until i have enough money to buy my next item. It's a way to start Ruby of Life [3], since you don't get full benefits of Ruby until level [3]. [1] and [2] gives you less HP than Hawkman's so there's really no reason to get it unless you can afford [3].

    Ruby of Life:
    This is borderline core on this character if you go glass canon or bruiser build. I almost ALWAYS get this so that i have a nice HP pool. Another good alternative is Hawkmans Harness. You get that item because it gives you the most hp for the price.

    Spear of Destiny
    This is a must item for a bruiser build, for the damage and power armor. Only get this after you have a core health item though, or it's not very good. The reason you get this after a Ruby of Life or Frag is because it's passive gives you damage based off a percentage of the HP you have. If you don't build any HP items and you buy this then you aren't maximizing it's potential

    Suit of Sorrow:
    This item is situational. If the other team has lots of AD carries that are fed it's a good option. Otherwise consider going with a Frag for hp and armor or Ra Ghoul's for the revive passive.

    If other team has a lot of HP items, get this item.

    Atomic Axe:
    if the other team is stacking armor get this item.

    Phantom Necklace:
    i This is an amazing item for the price. No other item gives you as much armor for as cheap. Additionally, it has a skill CD buff which AWW beenfits from tremendously.

    Don't get crime Bible or Joker's Crowbar. They were nerfed and are no longer good items. They no longer allow you to snowball with fast stats, and they generally take the whole game before you will get the full bonus from them.
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