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    Infinite Crisis builds for Atomic Poison Ivy

    Atomic Poison Ivy - Flowers hurt! [GH]

    An Atomic Poison Ivy guide by Liy010
    Last updated: Aug 26th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/atomic-poison-ivy-flowers-hurt-gh
    2,719 1


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    Hey there! Thanks for taking a look at my guide. Atomic Poison Ivy is my main Champion on Gotham Heights, and it's because she's freaking awesome! I build her more differently than everyone else. I build her more of a damage dealer than a tank, but I can adjust to a tank if my team needs it. Everyone plays Atomic Poison Ivy as a tank because that's what she is supposed to do, but I guarentee that you'll catch your enemies by suprise when you end up having the most kills on your team.


    Atomic Poison Ivy, is one of the best, if not the best Enforcer in the game. She is almost always worthy of a ban in draft mode, and on any map too. Her kit is amazing. Her passive allows you to stay in lane longer than most, regenerating every 10 seconds. Her Q has a short cooldown, allowing you to spam AoE damage in the middle of a fight. Her W and E work wonders. They can be used to chase down an enemy and get your team fed, or they can be used to escape from 4 -5 man ganks, since her E allows for an AoE 40% slow.

    Stolen Powers

    Primarily, the two stolen powers you want are:

    [[Sinestro's Psychic Assault]] - Slows the enemy, allowing chases and escapes, but more importantly, the Power Armor reduction allows you to deal more damage with a full cycle of your kit.

    [[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]] - Gives a boost of Health and Armor, useful for saving dying allies, or changing the tide in a team fight. Even though we are playing a damage based build, we are still running [[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]] over [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]] because you still want some tankyness. However, if you're feeling like a daredevil, or if you don't have [[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]], by all means, use [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]]

    Optionally, you can go for these stolen powers

    [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] OR [[Shazam's Invulnerability]] - Invulnerability is an option as well. However, I prefer the Healing Waves over this just because of the lower cooldown times on them.

    Mods and Augments

    Use these keywords to find the desired augment:


    As for modifiers: 
    Altered Olympus Gambit (4) - Investment: 5 Credits per 10 seconds (Tier 1)

    Empowered [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] - Lazarus Effect 2: If you would fall to 0 Health, you instead gain a shield worth 300 + 100/level, your Attack Armor is set to 60 and your Power Armor is set to 50, and you become Suppressed. If the shield is unbroken after 4s, the remaining shield is converted to Health and you regain 50% Will (4 minute cooldown).

    Enchanced [[Shade's Cane (3)]] - 9 Attack Damage

    Skill Leveling

    Ultimate (R) whenever possible, pretty standard there.

    You want to level your W first, because the longer you can root an enemy, the better for your team to go ham on them.

    From there, you want to level up your passive to increase the size of your shield. This gives you better sustain in fights, and even though you're focusing on damage, extra durability still benefits you really nicely. After that, go for Q for more damage. Finally, level your E. We leave E for last because it only does damage if the Toxic Growth mark is active, and leveling it only increases its slow if the mark is not active. Plus, the 40% slow at 1 point is enough to work for most of the game.


    With the starting 1250 Credits in Gotham Heights, I start off with Olympus Gambit (2) for some extra sustain in the initial top rush (Since Ivy starts off with less HP than other Enforcers) and [[Shade's Cane (1)]] to start off our "damage" aspect. If the team is doing okay, finish up [[Shade's Cane (3)]]. If your team is too squishy, which they shouldn't be because you should let your team know that you're building Ivy damage, you can build Atlantean Royal Seal (4), and [[Shade's Cane (3)]] after that. Assuming you built [[Shade's Cane (3)]], you now can build Psi-Scimitar (3) for more damage (Set it on AD), or Atlantean Royal Seal (4) if you need more tank. After that, go for Atlantean Royal Seal (4). By now, you should have Olympus Gambit (2), [[Shade's Cane (3)]], Psi-Scimitar (3) and Atlantean Royal Seal (4). Now for your remaining 2 slots, you want to build armor. [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]] is a great generic armor, because it protects from both AD and PD, plus a revival effect. For your last item, go for either [[Booster Gold's Suit (3)]] or Suit Of Sorrows (4) if the enemy team has more AD, while Entropy Aegis (4) or [[Mirror Master's Prism (4)]] if the enemy team has more PD. Alternatively, if the enemy team is very AD or PD stacked, you can the other in place of [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]]. Finally, finish up Olympus Gambit (4), after you've milked out the investment.


    Basically, you're playing Atomic Poison Ivy as you would a Bruiser, but with all the crowd control of an Enforcer. The problem with tanks is that they can be easily ignored, since their damage output is so low. They can only help their team by using crowd control effects. However, with this build, between stacking damage on your [[Shade's Cane (3)]], and getting extra damage in each time with Psi-Scimitar (3), your basic attacks will be a force to be reckoned with, and you may even find yourself being focused at times because your damage is pretty high for an Enforcer, and of course, that means your squishies are free to wreck them.

    You want to initiate with your [[Sinestro's Psychic Assault]] if you can. If not, skip that step. Start off with your W, applying the Toxic Growth Mark. Then, immediately use your E ontop of the enemy Champion, consuming the mark for a DoT. From there on, just spam your Q and use basic attacks. By the time your W and/or E cools down again, you should be using them for either chasing or escaping, depending on how the fight went.

    Well, that's it guys, hope you enjoyed the guide! You may be thinking "LolWut?" Enforcers building damage? That's not how they work at all! Just trust me on this one, this build will work, just give it a try.
    Latest comments
    Unloading Atomic Posion Ivy's damage takes a lot of will. Not building any extra will can be costly in those very long team fights.
    9:25 am, Aug 18th, 2014
    While that is true, this guide is for Gotham Heights specifically. As you said, this build will NOT work in Gotham Divided or Coast City due to the lack of extra will. However, when I use Ivy in GH, I usually take one point, and teleport back to base, usually encountering only one fight on the way, and the default will pool of Ivy is more than enough for that fight. Plus, there's those nice little pads if you ever need a boost.
    2:04 pm, Aug 18th, 2014