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    With its departure, Dawnbase will be going into permanent read-only mode and will remain as both an archive of information about Infinite Crisis, and a reminder of the times we all had with the game.

    Hats off to you all. It was a pleasure, ladies and gentlemen.


    Infinite Crisis builds for Poison Ivy

    Every rose has it's thorns. (In progress)

    A Poison Ivy guide by eliteobsession
    Last updated: Apr 23rd, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/79SsK4Kk
    2,008 0


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    Ivy can be an absolutely amazing Power Damage Support/Carry/Tank if you can learn to use her properly.

    HoltAltered Steel's BreastplateIron Will: More damage redirected to Will, and a longer cooldown toggle (Tier 3)

    S.T.A.R.Accelerated Abin Sur's LanternWill Battery: 2 stacks per skill use (Tier 2)

    QueenResonant Atlantis GambitImproved Atlantis Aura: +18% Attack Speed and +13% Attack Lifesteal (Tier 3)

    BE SURE TO KEEP YOUR ATLANTIS GAMBIT AT LEVEL 2 UNTIL MID-LATE GAME; You want to keep that investment buff as long as possible until its time to Bring out all the aura's. 

     If you cannot already tell, this build is focused around stacking Will, and using Iron Will for the 30% damage reduction to will. With the Core items, your will can regen just as fast as they damage it. 


    For your augments I usually just use the Flat Power Damage, but its really your choice.

    Posistioning is KEY.

    Playing Ivy like this she should not be an iniator until mid to late game. Your job is simple..Peel the enemy Carries with your Blind/Knock Up shield your iniator and/or whom ever is taking damage. That being said, you need to stay behind your entire team. Her skill shot has Decent range , but never forget that you can trigger an early explosion by pressing "q" again. This is AMAZING for people who are chasing you.

    Once Ivy has her core built you can really begin to feel the power she has, Iron will and aura's running, she becomes a huge asset to any team fight, so use her to he best potential. Do not roam, its not what she does, i actually stay out of the middle of Gotham heights majority of the game unless its for speed boost.

    Map and Team Awareness is will set you apart from the good and the bad. Let your team know, "hey if your in trouble, run towards me, I will shield/heal/aura you" but that being said, you need to have the awareness to allow yourself to see Allies in trouble and run in their direction to aid them. This is what being a controller is all about. 

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