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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Lantern

    PsyDoubt's Coast City Green Lantern Guide

    A Green Lantern guide by PsyDoubt
    Last updated: Aug 21st, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/63
    2,677 4


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    What’s up everyone? This is my intro to laning with Green Lantern. You can see me play this build on my stream.


     Your role as a Laner : When you play Green Lantern that is top or bot, it is important to focus as much on harassment on the destruction of drones. As Green Lantern is a Power Carry, I advised to be on the lookout for a simple CC, because this one can cost you life.

     Role in Team fights: You are to wait until the fight is engaged, then target the carry, shut them down. When you ult, be sure that you’ll hit everyone and your job is to make sure that everyone stay in. Never jump in, Green is a ranged character and you don’t want to be CC/get down

    Stolen Power :

    Doomsday’s Invulnerability : One of the most useful stolen power on Joker and on Carry in general. Why? Because the shield disable all CC on you and what’s your worst enemy? CC

    Gaslight Batman’s surveillance camera: Useful for you, useful for the team, what else? That camera will prevent you to being assassinated by the jungler! What more? Always keep one camera on you and when you see someone using a skill to become invisible, drop it and kill it. No escape for the coward.

    Flash’s super speed: In opposition with Joker, Flash’s super speed can be very usefull on Green Lantern. Why? Because Green don’t have escape ability so this can be your exit door. If you are solo queuing and your support laner don’t take Gaslight Batman’s surveillance camera, TAKE IT! You need one camera for each side of CC.
    Lanning Phase:

    Early Game :

    Double Ranged Power lane : Take the drone with your skill, never miss one because you really don’t want to walk in to get your coin. Make sure that all your skill hit and enemy and harass them a lot. When someone is half hp, burst him down.

    Double Ranged lane : Same thing, but with less burst so pay attention.

    With a melee champion: Since in this scenario you have someone to be “in the minion” wave and take the gold for you, you don’t need to skill the drone. Harass, Harass and Harass. Every skill need to hit, and harass with cosmic staff’s disintegration ability is just incredible.

    Mid Game :

    Top : When you are playing the top lane, be sure that you look the map pretty well and follow the timer on relay. Someone of your lane can easily take your side relay with the jungler/ take it alone when the jungler is stealing the other one. When the top relay open, be sure to have it every time

    Bot : Ward a lot and when you can go steal some jungle camp to your enemy.

    Late game :
    NEVER BE CUT ALONE!!!! NEVER BE CUT! NEVER ENGAGE! You have only one job, clearing them out with W/R, this massive AOE burst can make you win without so much problem.
    ITEM :
    Start with Cosmic Staff and 3 health pack + 2 Will Pack

    It’s important to level your cosmic staff the faster you can, you’ll need it max lvl to amplify the more you can your harassment power. Each time you back, be sure to have at least 1 heath pack and 2 will pack. Why? Because you don’t want to back every time you got to more harass, stay in lane the longest time you can. The more you back less you get gold.

    Radian Shard is like the most usefull item for Power Carry because refundable can help you a lot. 1500 gold for 75 Power. You need to buy it, sell it,  buy it, sell it everytime you need 1500 gold to end your “next item”. Why do we need to keep it, sell it and buy it again? Because most of the item at lvl 2 (1500-2000 gold) do not are better than Radion Shard at lvl 4 (1500 cost).
    Abin Sur’s Lantern :
    I put it third, but you can make it everytime you back at base and don’t know what to buy. Very usefull, keep mana up (after this you can buy less will pack).

    Atlantean Royal Seal and The Starheart : It doesn’t really matter wich one you are making first. If you think you need some hp, make Atlantean. If you want more burst make Starheart. Personally i just love that combo. Add you a little CC + Incredible Burst Power... If you don’t like that combo, build some resist/hp.  

    And finish your build with Book of Eternity, that 35% power penetration is what you want when tank we’ll be full build.

    More Tips :
    That Build : Never forget, that build is a glass canon build. Play it when you trust your partner. You need a good support who keep enemy far away from you. You’ll be to squishy to being target by Night/Cat. So when you are playing that build, one fail placed camera can cost you life.

     Power Relays: These are the most IMPORTANT thing on Coast City. You want to try and time your runs to 10secs before they activate. If you can’t get there. TELL YOUR TEAM. Ping the map, then rush there.

     Dooms Day Device: Never take DDD! I’m not saying to not kill it for you team, but don’t take the device and let it to a melee character.  If you are the only one alive, take it but make sure to use it on a tower (that burst on a tower is just incredible). Other tips, never, but never let the enemy team get it. That device is just too strong! If the enemy team get it, because your team was slow/or got trap, charge them, charge the one with the device. If you kill it, the device will drop and if you don’t kill him, make sure he’ll use the device to save himself. You don’t want to see the other team use the device in proper situation. 
    Latest comments
    the materioptikon and the logoz both have the same will regen passive if you're gonna get the materioptikon you might as well get the logoz instead, its infinititely better on GL
    9:44 am, Aug 23rd, 2013
    I'm not a udge fan of Materio, i prefer Abin Sur's Lantern for multiple reason. Why cosmic staff, harass potentiel = incredible, but like i said in the text guide. Abin Sur's can be make first, all depend of your game. 
    2:37 pm, Aug 22nd, 2013
    Max Q is essential. Materioptikon was built for GL and definitely a better purchase early. Tier 2 Materio > Cosmic
    9:49 am, Aug 22nd, 2013
    I'll post the french version soon
    4:52 pm, Aug 21st, 2013