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    Infinite Crisis builds for Poison Ivy

    Poison Ivy SOLOQ support guide! (will update for competitive play later)

    A Poison Ivy guide by br0ze
    Last updated: Aug 21st, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/47
    11,553 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Hello friends! This guide is for Poison Ivy in SOLOQ! She's a monster at damage and survivability. I'll explain ability order, item choices, and a general view on how I play Poison Ivy on Coast City.

    First let's start off with your role. There are different kinds of support players, one being an aggressive support and another being a passive support. I'm a very aggressive support player so my decisions in this guide are based on how I play.
    Aggressive players make sure they zone out their opponents (1v2,2v2,whatever you're laning against) and deny them gold from last hitting and xp while passive players tend to stay back and support from afar just making sure to ward stealth pads and shield your partner from enemy harass. What type are you? That will determine what types of items you think best suit you. This game has a good mix for you to mess around with, but the ones I chose are based on how I play and what I think just fits overall.. for now.

    Let's go over my ability choices now:

    Blow Kiss (W) I max this out first. Why? As mentioned above being aggressive means zoning out your opponents. This skill is perfect for that. The range allows you to poke down their health while being able to stay safe from theirs. Watch your creep wave's health bars, you see one getting low? You see the enemy Cyborg going in to last hit it? W him + auto as he's doing this and back away quickly into the stealth pad to avoid minion damage and poke from him and his support. He will probably have got the minion but at a cost of half his health (not literally but this combo actually does a bit of damage). This means he's either forced to keep taking your poke in order to last hit or he's forced to stay away denying him and making him chug his pots, which in turn make him go back to base before you.

    Root Strike (Q) I get this at level 2 and max it last. You could also max this first for better wave clear, but you probably shouldn't worry about that till mid game anyway. Once you hit level 2 you're really deadly especially if paired with a good Blaster or Marksman. It does require a little bit of skill to land and combo, but once you master it no one can touch you. Say you're paired with a Green Lantern you both hit level 2 at the same time and the opponent is still level 1 because you denied him XP. Land a Q (stun) + W + auto all while your Green Lantern is poking with his skills as well. The enemy will HAVE to stay at his tower or he will die in the next trade.

    Thorn Shield (E) You can get this at level 3 or even earlier if the enemy is out poking you, but I tend to get it at level 4 instead because I'm usually on the offensive and want more damage from my W. As I said before i'm very aggressive, but I also know my part in the game which is to support. So I max this after W always being able to out trade opponents.

    Deadly Flora (R) Always level this up when it's available. Your ultimate, your most powerful skill. This baby is extremely overpowered if used right. You're in a game with a Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Gaslight Batman, and a Joker? Your WW lands her ulti, you chain it with yours, GL's, GLB's, and Jokers.. Instant ace all while healing your team at the same time. You're trying to contest relays and the enemy wants to brawl? Perfect. Group up, relays are in a very small area that allows your ultimate to shine with its huge radius. It's all about position friend, remember that.

    Healthy Glow () Your passive. After using 6 skills it lays a field of flowers on you, which heals you and anyone that stands on it over time. This is really good during the lane phase if you're getting out poked, I max it last because i'm usually alright with just potions but if you're really losing your lane you could max E first and this second for maximum survivability.

    Next up are my item choices:

    Nil Ring 3 Health Packs and 2 Will Pack is the standard start. I get 3 will packs instead though because I spam my skills a lot.
    Qward Gambit (3) is my first major item. It provides you with will regen and power damage. Perfect! Oh and it also provides an aura that gives  +20 power damage and +10 power lifesteal to your allies. This is very good if you're laned with a Blaster and/or a Gaslight Batman

    Olympus Gambit (3) my next item. It provides health, attack armor, power armor, and an aura that provides the exact same thing for your allies along with some health regen. You are playing support afterall so that means.. you know... aura bot.. :( but seriously this item is pretty good. Makes you a bit more tanky in lane and in team fights!

    Fatality's Energy Lance (4) after I finish my aura items I go straight for CDR (cooldown reduction). This provides you with +40 power damage and +20% CDR all for only 1500 credits! Not bad huh? Oh and the max CDR you can get is 40% so you're already halfway there!

    Eye of Ekron (4) this will be the rest of the CDR you need along with some more power damage and will.

    You can also buy Qward Gambit (2) and Olympus Gambit (2) first and finish off your CDR items. They both provide credits per 10 seconds, which means if your lane phase is lasting quite long this can be very useful. You accumulate all the money you need faster if you're not getting kills/assists early.

    These are all the items you should have at least before you finish your game. Right now a lot of people don't know how to close games so they tend to last quite a while unless you're fighting with or against a premade. If you still need items, here are my last 2 choices:

    Cosmic Staff (4) Power damage and power penetration. By the time I get this item I'm able to solo almost anything besides tanks. Going out to ward (camera) your jungle and objectives? Find the enemy alone trying to do the same and you can just solo them! It may require some out playing because they probably have more damage than you at this time, but combined with your ulti healing and your spell heal you should be perfectly fine.

    The Starheart (4) Lots and lots of power damage. Sell your nil ring in order to open up your 6th slot. Explanation for this item.. sometimes you just have to man up and end the game yourself dude. This will allow you to do so.

    That's it for the most part. Don't forget that Coast City is objective based. Work and talk with your team to secure victory! I always use camera's and heal for my stolen powers. Even with other supports as well, so try to get batman's and ivy's stolen powers if you're playing other champions.

    Hopefully I helped you in one way or another. I will be updating this as the game progresses to release. I will also be recording videos of some epic plays to show you exactly what I'm talking about!
    Look out for more of my guides and watch me on twitch.tv/br0ze when I'm streaming! You can message me for any questions or concerns you might have. Thanks!
    Latest comments
    Pro guide. Keep up the good work. Detailed with situational awareness.
    2:48 am, Sep 1st, 2013