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    Infinite Crisis builds for Gaslight Batman

    100-0 Gaslight Batman (Gothem Heights)

    A Gaslight Batman guide by velvet
    Last updated: Sep 4th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/135
    3,982 0


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Thanks for viewing this build, as always mess around with this champion before trying this guide out. You may feel more comfortable picking up some different items or maxing certain skills over the ones I've shown you and that's OK. You need to use the builds on this site and other build specific sites to help IMPROVE not imitate, but adapt to different playstyles and figure out which one suits you. There are no perfect builds, but you CAN build incorrectly. So take some time to read through this and practice with your champion using some of these strats, and improve your game to the next level.

      Gaslight Batman

    If you thought this game was fun and HAVEN'T tried going 400+ ad on an adc, then you have'nt been able to experience this game fully. In this build I focus on HIGH DPS, a balanced attack speed, and some crit chance/sustain to pull us into victory. Remember that each build is dependant on the enemies you lane against, or the over all comp of your enemy team.

    Leveling your skills~

    So at the start of the match you'll be taking two points into 'q' and 1 point into 'e'.
    ::::Since this build revolves around AD specific items, you'll not be taking a point into w until you have to because the skill is ONLY reflected on your POWER DAMAGE (which will be 0):::::
    you'll be maxing your 'q' for maximum damage while maxing 'e' second for maximum cooldown on your ONLY escape.
    Please note that 'e' is your ONLY escape and that you should only use this for two reasons>

    a) escaping when a TON of dps that you cant sustain is heading your way.
    b) securing a kill when you KNOW there are no other threats near you.

    follow those options and you'll be solid.

    Maxing your passive third allows you to gain a tad bit more burst when connecting your batarang or e after auto attacking an enemy or minion.

    [just remember that you're almost ALWAYS to be maxing your ultimate when available. 6/10/14]

    after those three are maxed you can get the worst skill in the game, w. (kidding, it's actually fairly decent on hybrid builds)

    What powers to take and why~

    The one skill you'll always be taking is one of the 'super speeds' you'll need this to jump in and out of fights, having an escape on a champion is almost like having a second life. ITS.AWESOME.

    the second skill can vary, I love taking mind assault for its intense slow, it kills green lantern, it can deal with flash, and it secures kills on any enemy you chase.
    if you're looking for more of a sustain build I reccomend going either doomsday shield or shazam shield. Both are great shields, it just depends on if you'll be going HAM all day with your batman or if you'd rather play a more aggro-passive gaslight. UP TO YOU! Both are great.

    How to build Gaslight-B-MAN~

    so starting off you'll be grabbing [[jokers crowbar]] because you'll be most like 25-0 by the end of this game and so you wont have a problem building stacks on this item. and the stacks cant be lost! And the items only a grand!
    since you have some spare change also pick up level one mace.
    You'll be doing the good ol', "swap em out for better items because refundables are broken" trick. If you dont know what this is then I suggest you quit the game. (kIDDDDING)
    But seriously look into it, long story short, you'll be completing the mace to max level and selling it to buy a new item, then start REBUILDING the mace. Because you can sell it for max value, you'll be gaining bonus AD throughout the game at NO ADDITIONAL COST.
    After getting these you'll start working on your [[soultaker katana]] This item is the bee's knees when dueling someone. You'll have so much power when this item is at full stacks that the game almost wants to bug itself from your intense AD powerz. So go ahead and start maxing this as your first big item. Next up grab the steroid shots, as they are everything an adc can ask for. MS/AS buffs is so great. After these two items you can go one of two routes. Either build [[atomic axe]] for ultimate domination. Or grab claymore for the added attack speed and tank killer passive. Both are fine. You'll save the other usually for your last item. After completing one of those you can go either passive (grabbing raz al ghuls/sword of beowulf) Or just keep going trigger happy by purchasing the revolver. For your last item feel free to buy either the axe/claymore (which ever you didnt purchase before)(beowulf or al ghuls) OR keep the triggers pumping with the goggles. Also you can sell your crowbar if you'd rather have a bigger item at the end [I usually do since it only offers you 75 total ad]

    The Gaslight Batman MECHANICS~

    So you'll either want to solo bottom or head top. personally I like to go top because you'll start building more stacks this way on your crowbar. But bottom is great because you'll wreck your opponent and win your bottom lane. HOORAY!
    When going top make sure you stay in the backline and watch for ganks from the back. If you get targeted by 2 or more people, SWING AWAY MERRILL! Get yourself to safty, then come back in. BE SPAMMIng your auto attacks and landing your 'q' on people, since this skill bounces, it'll deal some pretty good chunks of dps to non tankey champs early. After wrecking top, collect your money and go buy.
    If you're soloing bottom lane. Be careful of healthy champs, poke and run>poke and run. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HEALTH SHRINES. When laning against a blaster, just poke them down a little with 'q' and then you can evenyly trade with auto's after that.
    Make sure to save your ult for when it matters. Dont just randomly fire it from your base into one guy capturing point 1. ITS NOT WORTH IT. You actually move BACKWARDS when shooting your ult, so use it as a utility. When dueling you can surprise them by ulting mid fight and watching their HP bar DROP super low. The auto attack for some juicy lifesteal and finish them off with 'e''aa''q''aa' and GG.

    For any more questions on this champ or general tips, be sure to comment here or ask me on stream on twitch (link BELOW)

    -Thank You

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