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    Infinite Crisis builds for Zatanna

    Eb a Tibbar GD Mid lane Guide

    A Zatanna guide by KamyKaze1098
    Last updated: Feb 9th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/aBxy8Upt
    6,248 2


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers

    Hi all.
    My name is Kamykaze1098 and you can find me playing on EU server with my nickname KK_1098.

    This guide is about Zatanna on Mid lane in Gotham Divided.

    Why play Zatanna??
    Zatanna can be played similar to a blaster, and after September's patch she's even scarier to face, with great harass abilitiy and a self heal.
    And let's be honest. You can turn your opponent into a Rabbit. How great is that??

    Disclaimer: In this Guide I go full Power Damage and Will, not building any armor. That means you will be easy to kill. What you should do is master positioning, in order to not be over exposed. You should be as far away as you can to do your damage safely. Zatanna has good skills to evade too. Use your ultimate to turn opponent into a rabbit and W for speed boost, which will be good with higher will pool. You have been warned.

    Guide Changelog:

  • Guide created
  • Typos correction
  • Removed a duplicated item from optional list
  • Changed Early Game chapter and to Skill description of Skewer (Q), to reflect the last changes to Zatanna.
  • Added disclaimer to the introduction
  • Changes to the disclaimer part in the introduction
  • Fixing of the guide (automatic update to new guide format had broken it). Will update later to better reflect the new format.

    Amplifiers Page

  • Enhanced [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]]: This mod gives you +15 Power Damage making the item give you 100 Power Damage total. Thats huge damage from a single item, and it still gives you Cooldown Reduction and a nice active to use.
  • Capacity The Logoz (3): With this mod the stacks from Logoz cap at higher values. 45 (was 30) Power Damage and 15% (was 10%). 
  • Enhanced [[Eclipso's Diamond (2)]]: This will give you +5% of Power Lifesteal. With Zatanna E>Q combo on either enemies or drone waves it's a good way to replenish health without wasting will on E.

  • S.T.A.R. Labs Augment - Codename: COMET
  • + 0.53 Power Damage/lvl (Max 10.07) (G)
  • + 1.4% Power Lifesteal (S)
  • S.T.A.R. Labs Augment - Codename: BLAST
  • + 4.21 Power Damage (G)
  • + 1.8 Power Penetration (G)
  • S.T.A.R. Labs Augment - Codename: ORION
  • + 0.53 Power Damage/lvl (Max 10.07) (G)
  • + 1.8 Power Penetration (G)
  • S.T.A.R. Labs Augment - Codename: LIGHTNING
  • + 1.8 Power Penetration (G)
  • + 1.56% Cooldown Reduction (S)

    Stolen Powers

    [[Catwoman's Teleport]] - I use this stollen power so I can go base and get back to line really quick on order to not loose credits to my opponent. If your teammates ward their lanes you can also use it to teleport into their lane to support them with ganks.

    [[Poison Ivy's Healing Wave]] - With this stollen power you can get some of your health back without backing up to base, and with this version you get extra power damage for 5 seconds, wich can be usefull to enter a fight, and heal while trading shots and have that buff win you the fight. Never tried this version but I think it´s the best option.

    Zatanna's Skills

    SKEWER (Q) - First skill I max. Great to use to poke your opponent from far, and also to get last hits safelly without getting to close to the drone wave. After the latest chapion patch it's will cost is a bit higher, so in early game you can't poke as much and should focus on building will pool for better effectiveness. When you get your E you should always use E>Q as it will make the E explode earlier for double the damage it makes.

    DASH, DAZZLE (W) - This skill allows you to give a boost in move speed to either you or your teammates, or to give slow on one of your opponents. It's a great skill and you have to think when and how to better use it during team fights. Will you use it on you or a teammate to escape?? Will you use it on a fleeing enemy to help your team kill it?? The choice is yours. Play around with it to understand when to use it. It's a great skill to use when going to other lanes to gank.
    You should use it carefully because it's cooldown is a bit longer than her others regular skills, so you'll only use it once or twice (rarelly) in every team fight.

    PROTECT, PUNISH (E) - Like her W, this skill can either be used in an offensive move or defensive, and this abilitie to use it in the best way possible is what will make you a good or bad player with Zatanna. You can use it on yourself or a teammate to heal. It will give a shield and explode after 2.5 seconds to heal half the amount of the shield. It's good to heal yourself or a teammate when running away from an enemy, but be aware of his cast time, wich will let your enemies catch up a little.
    Even if it's a good defensive skill, your best use to E is to go on ofensive. If you target an opponent it will reduce it's healing to half during 2.5 seconds, at which time it explodes to give them damage. If you hit your Q on the enemy it explodes earlier giving double the damage. So since level 2 you got to try and use E>Q as much as you can, trying to do damage without receivng to much so you don't have to waste this skill on you to heal. At some point your opponent my know when your coming to apply this combo, so use W either to slow them down or to speed you up to get him.
    I played a Zatanna who only used this skill to heal herself, while I was using on her, and I won the lane because she was doing to little damage to me with her Q, and the heal wasn't giving her back the same ammount of health I was taking from her. So to conclude, you should really get around on how to use this skill, as it's the most important one of Zatanna in my oppinion.
    This is a good way to clear a drone wave too. E>Q late game will kill all drone wave.

    BE A RABBIT (R) - Zatanna's ultimate is so fun!! You transform your opponent to a rabbit and lower their armor. It's so great to be targeted by some champs just to transform them to rabbits and leave them frustrated to not get the kill. Imagine Superman and Atomic Wonder Woman ultimates. They travel a long way to get to you on low health, and you heal your self, and as they hit you you transform them into rabits and applie your W on yourself to run away. So much fun!!
    This skill can be used in team fights to supress an enemie and kill it quickly. Most people will just stand still when they are changed into a rabbit, caught by surprise, not knowing what to do. So this is a great ultimate and really helpfull in team fights to turn a 5vs5 into a 5vs4 for a few seconds.
    It's cooldown is really low so you should have it for every team fight, specially if you use this build with max cooldown reduction.

    STAGE PRESENCE (PASSIVE) - With her passive you gain more Will regen. It also gives you a bonus for having bonus Will, which you'll have with this build.
    This is the skill I max last

    Early Game

    I start with The Logoz (1) and [[Abin Sur's Lantern (1)]] so I have a good will pool right from the start plus the will regen from Abin Sur's Lantern. I don't take vials as Zatanna has an heal skill, that I won't want to use on me but will do if necessary.
    With the higher will costs since the last update to champions, you should build Abin Sur's to level 2 or 3 and then Logoz to tier 2 to start collecting Power Damage and Cooldown Reduction from coins. If you made a few kills or/and assists, you can probably go to The Book Of Eternity (2) before finishing all this 3 items for the Power Damage, Cooldown Reduction, Will and Power Penatration.

    You should harass your opponent in the mid lane with your Q, trying to keep him from farm gold. You should always try to land your E>Q combo and try to lower their damage and go for the kill when you think you can do it. Watch out for ganks though, as Zatanna is a squishy champ. But you have heal and speed to escape most ganks, unless enemies use some form of CC on you.When you kill your opponent or make him go base watch for other lanes for opportunities to gank. Use your W to go quick to a lane and help your teammates to kill your enemies.

    Mid and Late Game

    After finishing the first 3 items I go for either [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]] for the huge Power Damage and Cooldown Reduction, or go with [[Eclipso's Diamond (2)]] for the Power Lifesteal.
    Then I'll go for The Starheart (3) or one of the optional items. Eye Of Ekron (4) if I want even more will, or Cosmic Staff (3) if I'm facing enemies with lots of health.

    At this stage you should focus on team fights and not think about pushing a lane on your own. You can add a lot to team fights. You can use your E>Q combo to do some good AOE damage. You can slow an opponent who got to close so your team can focus him together. You can turn an opponent to a Rabbit so your team can focus him. Or you can turn 1 big damage dealer to a Rabbit while team focus on the other, so when you killed him you can then focus this 2 damage dealer. You can heal your team mates, give them speed boosts. Zatanna is a great champion on team fights. Just be carefull not to be too much on the front line as you'll get killed really fast if focused by the enemie team.


    Hope you learn some good tips about Zatanna. You'll have to test the best way to use her skills, because as said most of them can be used in very different ways.
    So play with her a lot and enjoy the wonders of magic.

    And remember, if you liked this guide give it a thumbs up so more people can see it.
    Also if you have any question make a comment and I'll try to awser it as best as I can.
  • Latest comments
    Just curious for my guides. How do you get the Table of Context?
    8:03 am, Feb 9th, 2015
    Check last part of this page: https://www.dawnbase.com/dawncode Comment again if you have any doubt and I'll try to help you
    10:26 am, Feb 10th, 2015
    Well... Guide was updated automaticaly to the new format, and suddenly there was attack damage items on the Core items section?!?! Fixed it now. Will update later to use all the new functionalities like augments and stuff like that.
    7:51 am, Feb 9th, 2015