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    Infinite Crisis builds for Nightmare Batman

    Deep in a Jungle, there was a Bat Man...

    A Nightmare Batman guide by DrkCntry
    Last updated: Aug 24th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/drkcntrys-guide-to-a-jungle-bat-with-friends
    3,316 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    What to expect of this guide...
  • A decent Jungle comp for this Bat
  • A launch-pad for you to come up with your own ideas for strats
  • An extra-large Bat Man, but not Man Bat....he's a totally different guy.
    What not to expect of this guide...
  • Pro-level advice...I'm just a guy who enjoys the game.
  • 100/0/100 games.  Really, if you get that from this guide great, but if that happens I think it's simply because the other team was AFK in the middle of the map.
  • A fool-proof way to kill everyone at any given time.

    Nightmare Batman is quite honestly one of the most apt Junglers in IC, his ability to burst DPS targets along with the consistent life-steal means he can spend more time farming the jungle camps without the constant need to return to base or purchase heath potions.  His drawbacks?  He can be very vunerable when doing this alone, so it's best to have a partner duo-jungling with you.  He is also a very situational item user, meaning that what items you buy and their order is very heavily dependent on what the opposite team is doing.

    He works well in both upper- and lower-jungles, but I, personally, try to stick to the upper camp due to his mobility.  What I hope for this guide is to help those that want that little extra edge in taking to the jungle with this very capable and easy-to-grasp assassin.  If you are lucky enough to be duo-jungling then you will be happy to know that with good communication you can find both you and your partner's levels rising at a very good rate even before the 5 minute mark.

    To start you'll want to work on his creep-killing potential, so you'll take his personal consume and Meteor Drop, his [[Silver Batarang]] first along with Nil Weapon and the first level of Marauder Knife (1).  This combo allows you to fully exploit his lifesteal and negate the requirement to use health potions to maximize to amount of camps cleared.

    Your first target in the jungle is the elite camps, the camps that are adjacent to the Doomsday Device.  If at all possible attempt to first head to the other team's camp to clear it and then head back to your's.  On your way through the jungle to the enemy's elite camp, you'll want to stop at the stealth pads at the entrance to the Doomsday Device, this can sometimes allow you to catch the other team's jungler off-guard and net you an early kill, especially since you'll have the luxury of traveling with a teammate.

    After taking both elite camps you'll find yourself already at level 2 and slightly ahead of the enemy junglers.  This will allow you to have your first level of [[Savagery]] to make clearing camps easier and increase your potential to gank.  After a few clears, maybe a few pokes, and hopefully a kill or two later you can go back to base and spend that hard-earned credits.  The first purchase of the core items is the Coda Blade (4), giving you the start of the AD push.  By this time it should be about 5 minutes in and the relays should be coming up, your goal is to coordinate with your partner and determine which relay you both will be going to and head there, after which if you get both points uncontested you should immediately head back to enemy elite camp, which should be just respawning after the enemy relay is captured.  Take out that camp and your camp should be just about to respawn allowing you and your partner another boost in XP and credits.

    This is where you need to figure out what the other team's comp is and adjust your item build accordingly, for the order is very situational.  The items you see above are effectively all of the items that will synergize best, in my opinion, with Nightmare Batman, starting with the first five items being the core items that you should max with the remaining being situational based upon your experiences of the other team comp and their ability level.

    The caveat is that you shouldn't need to go above level 1 on Marauder Knife (1), but never exceed level 2 because the cost/benefit ratio is not worth it.  Promethium Mace is only to be purchased as a fill-in item and only if you can efficently max its level in-between better items, and only if you need the AD at that moment, otherwise keep your money for your next core item.

    [[Lobo's Chain (4)]] is also a very situational item, the slow is nice, but you can get better items to increase the AD and thus negate the actual need for the extra slow, especially if you have leveled up your [[Silver Batarang]].

    One item you will be tempted to get is [[Huntress' Crossbow (1)]], the 50% attack speed is a very enticing bonus, but the cooldown redcution can actually work against you.  As you don't use any potion-regaining ability stat, you are very limited in how many times you can do any one given ability at any one given time, so decreasing cooldowns can actually cause you to end up without power to use your [[Silver Batarang]] for that last little slow, or your [[Bat Swarm]] for that emergency get-away.   Velocity 9 Implants (4) is the far better choice as it increases your run speed and your crit chance on top of the cooldown reduction, which means you'll arrive sooner and burst faster.

    If you find yourself in need of that little extra burst, Zeiss Goggles (4) is your go-to item, the bonus crit chance and overall decent attack damage buff on a 2250 credit item is a great bargain.
  • Latest comments
    @DrkCntry So with the nerf to Nightmare Batman, what champion is top tier to Jungle with?
    11:59 am, Jan 31st, 2014