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    Infinite Crisis builds for Catwoman

    Catwoman Prime: Pussy Power GH/GD. General Guide. Sept 2014.

    A Catwoman guide by CrazyCatLady
    Last updated: Sep 30th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/catwoman-prime-pussy-power-gh-gd-general-guide-sept-2014
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    Catwoman Primes: Pussy Power GH/GD General Guide

    Date: September 2014.

    "Oh this? It's MINE!" - Catwoman

    As of the September 2014 game update, Catwoman prime is now a Power Damage Champion. This guide is designed to give players general advice on how to build Catwoman for Gotham Heights & Gotham Divided game maps, now that she is using Power Damage.

    After trying a lot of different builds & experimentation, I found this build to be very solid. It provides you with a little defense, since Catwoman is squishy & focuses on building Power Damage quickly in the early game.

    Tactics & Abilities

    Tactically, I play Catwoman mainly as a ranged character, since she has great range from her Whip Strike ability & is a squishy Champion to begin with.
    Whip Strike should always be used after using Acrobat since you gain bonus damage and AoE effect which is good for clearing drones. Used on a drone when an enemy Champion is near it & they too will be hit by the AoE which is great for hassling them in the early game.
    You can also Melee Drones if there are no other Enemy Champions nearby. (I don't want to explain the do's/don't's of killing drones too fast in the early game of GD here, that's not what the guide is about.)
    Bad Kitty can also be used for melee in the mid-late game stage vs. Enemy drones & Champions for big damage, but remember to use it tactically. It doesn't make Catwoman all powerful, so rushing alot of enemy champions or Enforcer champions with it isn't the way you should be using it.
    Finally, use Cat's Paw as a knock down & slow against Enemy Champions. It also does good damage, but is purchased slower since the abilitiy becomes more relevant in the mid-late games where contact with Enemy Champions is more likely.

    Stolen Powers

    For Gotham Heights take Zatanna's Psychic Assault to help slow enemy champions for you and your team & take Flash's Super Speed to aid in your escapes or to get to that Orbital Cannon in time.

    For Gotham Divided take Batman's Trap so with careful placement you can avoid a gank or stop an enemy Champion from chasing you or slow the enemy from entering your turret area while you clear the drones. And take Flash's Super Speed to aid in your escapes or to get to a tower that needs protection faster.

    Starting Items

    You can buy defense items when you think your going to start to engage enemy Champions. You don't have to buy them as your first purchase, aside from Medusa Mask below, which should be bought as a starter item on Gotham Heights, since its would be better to buy the cheaper Power Damage items at the early game.

    For Gotham Heights I take Medusa Mask with the Lex Corp Mod: Rapid Medusa Mask which gives the item the Medisys ability (Restores health & will upon leveling up) at Tier 1. You only need to buy this item at Tier 1 & may salvage it at the late game. It's good because you gain levels so quickly in GH, you can see it's benefit.

    After that, you have 3 options:
    You can take Phantom Stranger's Necklace for balanced Attack Armor & Power Armor & with Catwoman's Cat Burglar passive ability at Tier 2 you will get the benefit of Armor Collector quickly. For Gotham Divided, I take the mod Queen Industries Mod: Capacity Phantom Stranger's Necklace, instead of the Lex Corp Mod: Rapid Medusa Mask mod which is taken for Gotham Heights. More often than not, you will face a mix of Power Damage & Attack Damage team, so a safe bet for what type of Armor to take is simply to take both types.

    Now, if you are at the pre-match loading screen and can see the other team is completely made up of one type of Damage, then you want to build that Armor type.
    For Attack Armor & to increase your own Power Damage, take Neron's Contract.
    For Power Armor & to increase your own Power Damage, take Helm of Fate.

    The other Starter items you should buy first are:
    On Gotham Heights buy Tier 1 Radion Shard, Tier 1 Fatality's Energy Lance with S.T.A.R. Labs Mod Discounted Fatality's Energy Lance mod. (Buy Tier 1 Psi-Scimitar S.T.A.R. Labs Mod Discounted Psi-Scimitar next)
    On Gotham Divided buy Tier 1 Fatality's Energy Lance with S.T.A.R. Labs Mod Discounted Fatality's Energy Lance mod & Tier 1 Psi-Scimitar S.T.A.R. Labs Mod Discounted Psi-Scimitar.

    Core Items

    You want to be buying & building the cheapest items that give you the most power damage for your investment. So after the Tier 1 core items you should buy Cosmic Staff Tier 1. After this, you need to start building up the items you've bought already, buying the cheapest next Tier that gives the most Power Damage in return. This way you build Power Damage quickly in the early-mid game. Just remember, on Gotham Heights you only need Tier 1 of the modded Medusa Mask. No need to level it beyond that & you can salvage it later.

    Near the mid-late game, you can start investing in the heavy hitter Power Damage items like The Starheart & the Book of Eternity. These cost the most coins, but you should be getting more income by the time you are ready to buy these.


    This should provide you with a solid build for Catwoman. She is a squishy champion, but has great range & very good escapes with Acrobat & Flash's Super Speed & don't underestimate Batman's Traps  on Gotham Divided as with good placement they can aid in your escape. Don't be afraid to play her aggressively to hassle enemy champions at range from the early game & if on Gotham Heights to use Zatanna's Psychic Assault to slow an enemy champion. Remember that while Bad Kitty is very powerful, it won't let you clear off several enemy champions on your own. And don't let your fellow team mates pressure you into getting all up in the enemy champions faces, you're not playing as an Enforcer.

    And remember, it's just a game so have fun!

    Latest comments
    I feel like this is along the right lines, minus the Psi-Scimmy - her Q doesn't proc it, and I don't think it's worth the credits just for autos during her ult. She's just in such a bad place right now since the patch that I haven't had the heart to update my ancient Cat Prime guide yet.
    12:11 pm, Sep 30th, 2014
    With the damage you do with it, it is worth it on GH with skilled attack 2. You also end up in a lot of close ranged fights so you need something to boost your autos. When Ult is active, E, basic, W, basic, E, basic...etc does a lot of damage very fast while keeping an enemy from escaping your team.
    4:02 pm, Sep 30th, 2014