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    Infinite Crisis builds for Green Lantern

    Cosmic Staff Green Lantern Stronk

    A Green Lantern guide by bladelordcal
    Last updated: Nov 12th, 2013
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/iK4faInz
    2,602 0


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    Hey guys, I'm bladelordcal. I stream IC at twitch.tv/bladelordcal and play a lot of IC. I'll be showing you guys my guide for Green Lantern, hope you enjoy.


    The Early Burster Amplifier Set is perfect for Green Lantern. It makes Cosmic Staff cheaper, makes Nil Ring cheaper, gives you an extra 5 Power Penetration (which is important btw), and 9 extra Power Damage. Everything in this set is perfect for Green Lantern and there isn't anything better currently imo.


    Nil Ring Tektite Vial Health Pack Will Pack

    These starting items give you the sustain and damage to make your laning phase easier. By starting with these items, you have a ton of sustain with your passive/vial/potions and it's difficult to get pushed out of lane, thus making it easier to get credits/EXP.



    Cosmic Staff (4) The Starheart (4)

    Cosmic Staff is THE item to rush on Green Lantern, imo. It gives you a bunch of early Power Damage and Power Penetration, which is very important in the early game. Why you ask? Because very few champions have more than 30~ Power Resist in the early/mid game. Why is this important? Because your E SHREDS Power Resist from the enemies it hits. If you land all 3 missiles, the enemy has -18 Power Resist. Your Cosmic Staff gives you +15 Power Penetration, which negates 15 points of Power Resist. The Amplifiers give you 5 Power Penetration as well. So anyone with less than 38 points of Power Resist will take maximum damage from your Q, which also gets more damage the more Es you land on someone. It's pretty insane.

    Also, the Starheart just makes your damage insane and helps your Power stacking scale into late game, which is essential.



    Atlantean Royal Seal (4)[[Neron's Contract (4)]] The Book Of Eternity (2)

    Atlantean Royal Seal is amazing on Green Lantern. Because of the slow on all of your spells, you can effectively use E to chase people down. It also gives you decent survivability in fights because Green Lantern is especially squishy.

    Neron's Contract is, quite simply, an amazing item for Power Damage characters, imo. With this item, you can use all your skills in a teamfight, use Neron's, and use all your skills again after the stasis is over. It also grants you survivability with the stasis as well

    Book of Eternity gives you more damage. It's also good if the enemies stack Power Resist. That's all I can really say about it.


    [[Ra's al Ghul's Robe (2)]]

    Lets you revive after taking fatal damage and gives you Attack Armor and Power Resist. Good if you're being focused down a lot.

    [[Fatality's Energy Lance (4)]]

    Makes your single target burst even more devestating. Buy this if you want to feel like a true god.

    [[Doctor Destiny's Dreamstone (3)]]

    Would buy if the only threat on a team was a Power Damage character.

    [[Eclipso's Diamond (2)]]

    Gives you a bunch of Power, and the Power Lifesteal isn't bad either.


     >  >  >  > 

    Get points in ult whenever you can, dropping planes on people is cool. Max Q right away, it increases the damage per stack of E on a target and reduces the cooldown on it as well. Max E second as it is your way to waveclear and it does more damage than W. W is maxed third as the slow duration is made longer/DoT is higher. Passive is maxed last as it is only good Early Game, imo.


    Flash's Super Speed is, imo, the essential Stolen Power for any champion. It's good for chasing down, running away from, and kiting enemies. There's no downside to taking it.

    Either Doomsday's or Shazam's Invunlerability are recommended for Green Lantern. You're a very squishy character, so any free health you can get will help. Invulnerability has saved me countless times, and I'm sure it will save you a bunch as well.

    If you don't have the upgraded versions of these Stolen Powers, the default versions work fine.


    The goal of your early game should be to get as many credits as you can. If an enemy comes into range of a Q, get them. However, you should be focusing on trying to get as many last hits on drones as you can. Once you're level 2/3 your harass gets better with your E/Q combo.


    Hopefully you have your Cosmic Staff finished by now. If so, just use your W/E/Q combo and see how much damage you do to the enemy laner. Chances are you're going to do a ton of damage to them and win that exchange, which lets you establish lane dominance. Which, by the way, lets you farm better/get items faster.


    Late game you should be bursting fools left and right. Make sure to be aware of your positioning in team fights, as you're an especially squishy threat. MAKE SURE TO KITE PEOPLE WITH YOUR W. GREEN LANTERN CAN KITE EXCEPTIONALLY WELL.


    will be added soon™ hue


    Thanks guys for checking out my Green Lantern guide, I hope it's helped you guys understand how to play my style of Green Lantern! If you guys ever want to get into contact with me, you can check out my Twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/bladelordcal. I stream everyday and play a variety of champions. Also you guys can follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/bladelordcal, where I announce when I stream!
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