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    Infinite Crisis builds for Robin

    hellopanda's Gotham Divided Robin Guide

    A Robin guide by hellopanda
    Last updated: Apr 6th, 2014
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/hellopandas-gotham-divided-robin-guide
    7,022 0


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    Robin is not a great jungler.
    With that said he does have a few things going for him.  First the positive.   He has a top tier disengage with his q and ult.  He also has an amazing slow and has a high amount of survivability with his q, e combo.    Finally, his ratios are insane with a 2.4 attack ratio between two spells and an insanely high will ratio.  However, there is a lot of negative.  He is not self sufficient.  He cannot gank solo and get a kill.  He has no jungle control.  He has a hard time zoning as no one really fears him and he needs a ton of items early; He needs will, he needs his full knife, he needs durability.  It is a big issue with him.  Furthermore, he doesn't have a lot of jungle control because most jungles can 1v1 him and chase him throughout his jungle.  Plus his clears are not the fastest so he can not go in and out of the jungle.  But if you still want to jungle him, which is why you are reading this guide I will get you in a position where you can still do well with him

    His mods should be pen on marauder knife, 30% damge absorption on steel brestplate and lvl 2 medysis on medusa mask. Your amps should be flat ad with a mix of cd pen and crit.  You always want crit/ad on your junglers.  It increases speed of your jungle and helps secure kills at all points in the game.


    Your ganks are relative strong with a q,e,w combo so make sure you get those early ganks, especially the lvl 2 ganks when laners are lvl 1.  You should get the person out of lane with that early gank and theoretically win the lane.  Get control of lanes with your high early damage output and grab those emps.  You need them because you will be chasing for a long time as Robin. 

    In mid game you want to gank from behind and get an early r out that will allow for an easy kill in lane.  At this time you are prepping for raiders and starting team fights with a little laning action.  Yoiu are still strong and are getting really tanky.  Fall on top of thier adc and dont them escape.  You will eat cyborgs well but gasbats will be a problem.  When you still gasbats dash start ult him back and get the kill ult early so you can use the passive damage gain. 


    In team fights you want to zone carrys and try to r in the middle of the team breaking the team apart and get a strong team fight win.  You are tanky sop dont be afraid to start fights your slow will allow your teammates to follow up and get the kills.  You will carry the emp as you can get in and out of fights easily enough and are pretty tanky by now.  You will fall off compared to other brusiers so beware.  Yuo are very vulnerable to magic damage so be wary of that as well.  Over all win one good team fight and finish the game.  Team fights for you is all about being annoying and positioning.  Dont be afraid to get dirty and get out.  Every hit you take is one less hit not at the adc.  Also you control the fights.  You see it go sour pop ult and retreat.  If you wanna go balls deep do it.  Team fights will be won based on your understanding of ythier teams strength and your teams weaknesses.  Once you see the joker commiment, back off and fight 15 secs later.  Same with all aoe heroes.  BE wary of flash as he will destroy you as he can negate your ult.  So watch for the foot kick and ult him away. 
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