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    Infinite Crisis builds for Doomsday

    Doomsday K.. Jungle CC

    A Doomsday guide by Anstrum
    Last updated: Apr 3rd, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/2466-Doomsday-Doomsday-K-Jungle-CC
    1,563 0


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    Doomsday is tank and initiator capable of doing great damage for a tank role.

    Start with W combined with your augment attack speed gives you very nice clear level 1.
    Skill order: Max R Then E after W and finish with Q and after that you take whats left, your passive.
    1:Max R when possible.
    2:Max E for the burst damage and cooldown reduction. Its huge for early game to have this super damage .

    3:Max Second W since majority of your damage will be attack damage I guess it is best to balance it with some extra power damage.

    4:Max q for damage and reduced cooldown.

    5:Remaining points to passive.

    tips: get creative for a chance to knock the enemy into a wall with your E charge ability.
    When you are looking to initiate a fight pop your R then charge your Q 2 times because the third jump will knock down the enemy after that short period of time W and blink right on the enemy and Q for the 3rd time for CC and then get behind the enemy to charge him/her backwards or into a wall and let your teammates finish the champion off.
    Most of the time use your W to give you movement speed when you spawn at the base so you can reach your destination more quickly.

    The Reason I chose health and attack speed augments are mainly because these stats are great for doomsday you never cant have too much health and faster attack speed helps to boost your damage with basic attacks and W boost attack damage so overall attack speed and attack damage has great synergy. Doomsday W also gains fair amount from the augments.

    Doomsday requires lots of vision and that is why I chose X-ray to make sure the area is clear of enemy wards and wards are pretty self explanatory.

    If you know that the enemy does not have a power damage carry then you can switch the mirror masters prism Mod to something else like Metallo heart +15 armor mod.

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